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How tobacco and marijuana leads to higher risk of depression, anxiety

How tobacco and marijuana leads to higher risk of depression, anxiety HasanSCULPT   Tobacco and Marijuana Use: Exploring the Link to Increased Risk of Depression and Anxiety Introduction What is the relationship between marijuana and anxiety? How does smoking increase anxiety and depression? Is smoking a risk factor for depression? Tobacco and marijuana are two of the most commonly used psychoactive substances worldwide. While they are often used for their pleasurable effects, it is crucial to recognize that their use can have negative consequences on mental health. In this blog post, we will delve into the relationship between tobacco and marijuana use and their potential to increase the risk of depression and anxiety. We will also present a statistical analysis table to support these findings and reference the work of Dr. Peter Grinspoon and Nhung Nguyen, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, whose research has shed light on this important

Cancer prevention diet can save your life .


Cancer prevention diet can save your life says a nutritionist on what to eat and why — and what to stay away from.




Cancer as a form of disease has many unstable factors. Some  like orientation, age and family ancestry which can't be controlled. However, others, similar to abstain from food, can be made due.

According to Dr. Brian Slomovitz, director of gynecologic oncology and co-chair of the Cancer Research Committee at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, Florida, proper nutrition has been demonstrated to lower the chance of developing cancer

He told Fox News Digital, "First, we know that the rate of obesity is significant and only rising  and it's a risk factor for numerous cancers. "A healthy, well-balanced diet will help to decrease these cancers."

                                        Cancer prevention diet, how to prevent cancer





The doctor stated that a good diet may also reduce tiredness and encourage more physical exercise, both of which can aid in prevention.




A Registered dietitian nutritionist and cancer nutrition specialist Nichole Andrews gave her suggestions for what to eat and what to avoid to Fox News Digital in order to lower the chance of developing cancer..


Andrews suggests making plant-based foods the focal point of meals when it comes to creating a lifestyle that lowers the risk of developing cancer.


"This means embracing a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds," she stated. These foods are rich in antioxidants, fiber, critical vitamins, and minerals that have been associated to a lower risk of developing various types of cancer.





Prioritizing plant-based diets not only reduces the risk of developing cancer but also gives the body the nutrients it requires for general wellness, according to Andrews.


If you want to improve your long-term health or just maintain it, these dietary changes can help.

"Rolling out these dietary improvements can lastingly affect your drawn out wellbeing, whether you're looking to forestall malignant growth or diminish the gamble of repeat on the off chance that you're a disease survivor," she said.


According to Andrews, plant foods provide a variety of nutrients that are good for your health, such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, phytochemicals (which battle oxidative stress and inflammation, the causes of cancer), and antioxidants (which shield healthy tissue from injury).


According to her, "These food components have protective effects to slow the production of cancer cells through multiple mechanisms, such as apoptosis (cell death to unhealthy cells), DNA repair, hormone regulation, and inflammatory responses," she said in a statement to Fox News Digital.


Up to 40% of all cancer patients, according to Dr. Amber Orman, a radiation oncologist and board-certified lifestyle medicine specialist

More youthful Individuals ARE Getting Malignant growth Determinations, STUDY FINDS — Particularly THIS Sort

"The absolute most remarkable enemy of disease food sources incorporate full mixed greens, cruciferous vegetables, mushrooms, beans including soy, berries, unpeeled apples, ginger, garlic, turmeric, ground flax, and green tea with lemon," Orman said.

You do not have to become an absolute vegan to reduce cancer risk, Andrews pointed out.

Additionally, search for privately or locally sourced, natural food varieties whenever the situation allows."


A plant-based diet incorporates all food varieties with the exception of handled or over-processed meats and cocktails," she said. "It is centered around 66% of the feasts or bites comprised of vegetables, natural products, entire grains, beans, vegetables, nuts or potentially seeds."



 Plant-based food sources;

With regards to building a way of life that decreases malignant growth risk, Andrews suggests making plant-based food varieties the highlight of dinners.

"Then the other third of the feast or bite is to be comprised of dairy, eggs, lean creature protein, sound fats and control of sweets."

The key is to zero in on adding more plant food sources with all dinners and snacks as opposed to zeroing in on what to take out, Andrews said.

"Contemplate adding explicit food sources to appreciate more or to diminish risk," she added.

It Would be advisable to consult an expert physician to know of the possibility of carrying out strenuous exercise during treatment of a malignant cancer growth.

For his part, Slomovitz cited research indicating that vegan diets may lower the chance of developing cancer. Foods based on plants are advantageous to decreased risk," he stated. "However, compliance might not be universal. Being vegan is not a requirement for a plant-based diet. 




vegan cuisine

According to research, vegan diets may lower the risk of developing cancer, Slomovitz noted.

According to definition, the diet should consist of at least two-thirds of plants, with the remaining one-third being either lean animal protein or a plant-based protein such beans .

Orman counsels patients to consume more plants while viewing animal products as "condiments". "Most of my patients eat a diet that mostly consists of 80% plants

According to Andrews, choosing non-processed meats and cutting back on red meat in favor of lean protein sources including chicken, turkey, fish, seafood, and plant proteins have various benefits for cancer prevention.


These alternatives often have lower concentrations of saturated fats and heme iron, which are linked to a higher risk of cancer, particularly colon cancer, she explained.


She continued, "White meats and fish are also often leaner, aiding in the maintenance of a healthy weight, which is essential in lowering the risk of numerous cancer kinds.


By accepting these protein alterations, people can improve their overall health, minimize their exposure to carcinogenic substances, and lessen their risk of developing cancer.


Balanced, Healthy Meal

Typically, white meats and seafood are for the most part less fatty, assisting with keeping a sound weight, which is pivotal in diminishing the gamble of a few disease types," she went on.

Andrews advises including the wholesome protein choices listed below:






·       Lean cuts of beef, lamb, goat, pig loin, skinless chicken and turkey, quail, duck, and fortified omega-3 eggs are among the available meats and poultry.

·       Salmon, tuna, cod, shrimp, mackerel, lobster, catfish, and crab are among the   seafood options.

·       Dairy products low in fat, including yogurt, milk, cheese, and cottage cheese

Whole grains like earthy colored rice, whole wheat, quinoa, and oats are high in fiber, which helps with digestion and keeps weight in check, both of which are important for preventing cancer, according to Andrews.



Whole grain fiber helps lower insulin resistance and help control blood sugar levels, which may minimize the chance of developing some diseases including colorectal cancer.


According to Andrews, by choosing whole grains versus overly processed grains, you can give your body a plethora of nutrients and protective substances that may help lower your risk of cancer and improve your general health.


Andrews advises aiming for a daily fiber goal of 30 grams as part of a nutrition strategy to lower your chance of developing cancer.







  • Replace white pasta and rice with healthy grains such as brown rice.

  • Replace processed snacks with fruits, vegetables, and nuts as a snack.

  • Add legumes, such as beans and lentils, to salads, soups, and stews.

  • Oatmeal or a breakfast cereal high in fiber is a great way to start the day.

  • Several high-fiber foods, such as artichokes, chia seeds, split peas, avocado, quinoa, raspberries, pear, and barley, should be incorporated into your meal..

These fiber-rich items in your diet can considerably increase your daily fiber consumption and reduce your chance of developing cancer, it should be noted also according to Andrews expertise analysis.

Drinking alcohol has been strongly associated with an increased chance of developing several cancers, including those of the mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, breast, and colorectal kinds.


The feasibility of a damaged and compromised DNA is higher due to the consumption of alcohol, interference with the capability of the body to breakdown and absorb essential body nutrients resulting in carsinogenices inflammation inclusive


According to a study, more women are dying from alcohol-related conditions.


Andrews advises substituting non-alcoholic drinks for alcoholic ones in order to lessen this risk and focus living a healthier lifestyle.


Here are TOP7 suggestions for drinks:


·         1.  Flavored sparkling water with citrus or herbs


·         2.  Herbal drinks such as peppermint or chamomile


·         3.   smoothies with fresh fruit


·         4Green tea lemonade on ice


·         5Coconut liquid or water


·         6 Iced tea without sugar and lemon


·        7Fruit-infused homemade water drinks





These solutions, according to Andrews, "not only slake your thirst, but also offer hydration and necessary nutrients without the conceivable cancer risk associated with alcohol consumption."

She further explained that consuming too much sodium could harm the lining of the stomach and raise the risk of stomach cancer.

Therefore Andrew opines from an expert point of view that limiting daily sodium consumption to no more than 2400 mg is essential for reducing the risk of stomach cancer.

·       She offers these three helpful suggestions to accomplish this goal:

·       Pay close attention to food labels and choose items marked "low-sodium" or "no added salt."

·       Instead of salt, season your food with herbs, spices, and natural flavor enhancers like garlic, lemon, and vinegar.


·       Fresh, natural foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins should take priority over processed and packaged foods, which are frequently rich in sodium.



You can drastically lower your daily sodium intake and take significant measures to lower your risk of stomach cancer by using these strategies, according to Andrews.


"Building a cancer-prevention lifestyle doesn't have to be overwhelming," the expert said. "Instead, take small, manageable steps each day, focusing on one diet change at a time."


The expert stated, "Developing a cancer-prevention lifestyle doesn't have to be difficult. Instead, "focus on one diet change at a time, taking small, manageable steps each day."

The secret, according to her, is to gradually adopt healthy eating behaviors, which will promote long-lasting effects that you can implement into your daily life comfortably.

Slomovitz in concordance to the aforementioned opines that it's critical to pick a diet that's not just healthful but also maintainable when determining which one is the finest.

"Changing to a plant-based diet, for instance, has advantages, but some people would find it challenging to follow," he said.


Therefore with specific concerns or inquiries, it's crucial to speak with a dietitian.



International News

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