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How tobacco and marijuana leads to higher risk of depression, anxiety

How tobacco and marijuana leads to higher risk of depression, anxiety HasanSCULPT   Tobacco and Marijuana Use: Exploring the Link to Increased Risk of Depression and Anxiety Introduction What is the relationship between marijuana and anxiety? How does smoking increase anxiety and depression? Is smoking a risk factor for depression? Tobacco and marijuana are two of the most commonly used psychoactive substances worldwide. While they are often used for their pleasurable effects, it is crucial to recognize that their use can have negative consequences on mental health. In this blog post, we will delve into the relationship between tobacco and marijuana use and their potential to increase the risk of depression and anxiety. We will also present a statistical analysis table to support these findings and reference the work of Dr. Peter Grinspoon and Nhung Nguyen, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, whose research has shed light on this important



Israel Most recent Updates: Netanyahu Says War Will be Long and 'Cumbersome.'

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel is "at war" after militants from the Gaza Strip launched over 2,000 missiles and invaded southern regions of the nation early on Saturday. At least 200 Israelis were murdered in the surprise attack, and at least 230 Palestinians are dead in Gaza as a result of Israeli military retaliation.

Netanyahu Says War Will be Long and ‘cumbersome’

The militant group Hamas' operation, which included kidnapping Israelis, was an unprecedented intrusion into Israeli territory and may pave the way for a full-scale attack on Gaza as well as potential operations on Hamas allies and supporters elsewhere in the Middle East.

In a phone discussion with Joe Biden, Netanyahu stated that Israel is geared up for a protracted fight. In a brief speech, the president pledged US "support."for Israel's security is unshakable and immovable."

7:35 p.m.: Israel shuts off the power to Gaza

Israel's energy minister, Israel Katz, gave the Israeli Electric Company the go-ahead to halt power deliveries to Gaza.

Israel Targets Gaza in Short-term Strikes 12:16 a.m.

Israeli warplanes struck focuses in Gaza short-term, including aggressor cells it said were attempting to enter Israel via ocean and through the security wall that encases the territory, the military said in an assertion.

israel request US to provide it additional iron dome missile interceptors,small diameter bomb and machine gun ammunition

A functional war room attached to rocket sending off and a Palestinian Islamic Jihad post were likewise designated, the military said.

Netanyahu Says War 'Will Be Cumbersome at about 10:37 p.m

Israel's Head of the state Benjamin Netanyahu said the conflict with Hamas aggressors in the Gaza Strip will be extended. He said the assault that left north of 200 Israelis dead is a portion of the most obviously terrible savagery the country has at any point seen at any point

This war will rage for long  while. It will be challenging. There will be difficult days ahead, Netanyahu declared in a televised speech from the Defense Ministry's administrative offices. Although the cost is great, we shall win this fight.

The Israeli prime minister claimed that among the deceased and the prisoners taken hostage to Gaza were young children and senior citizens.

200 people have been recorded dead in Israel at about10:22 p.m.

According to the foreign ministry, at least 200 Israelis have died. According to the government, heavily armed Hamas militants sneaked into communities close to Gaza and went "door to door" in Israel, killing and abducting defenseless residents. Additionally, thousands of rockets were fired by Hamas towards Israeli cities and villages.


Hamas reports that around 250 Palestinians had died in Gaza as of 12:09 a.m.

Following an assault into Israel by heavily armed Hamas gunmen, the Gaza Strip's Ministry of Health, which is under the leadership of Hamas, reported 232 fatalities and nearly 1,700 injuries on Saturday.

High Rise Buildings were the target of Israeli airstrikes at about9:43 pm

Israeli fighter jets hit two multi-story buildings in the Gaza Strip that housed, among other things, the headquarters and production facilities for Hamas's armaments, according to an Israeli military spokeswoman. The spokesman claims that this demonstrates how Hamas deliberately installs its military hardware in the center of Gaza's civilian population.

    Israel's defense minister Yoav Gallant

In a separate statement, Israel's defense minister Yoav Gallant said, "We will change the reality on the ground in Gaza for the next 50 years." "What was previously won't be around anymore. We'll give it everything we've got with maximum force

'Multi-Front War' Concern from Former Prime Minister Lapid Warning 

Former Israeli prime minister and current leader of the opposition Yair Lapid cautioned that there is a "serious risk" that this might develop into a multi-front conflict.

The fatal surprise strikes by the Palestinian militant group Hamas were denounced by President Joe Biden at about 10:07p.m

“Today, the people of Israel are under attack, orchestrated by a terrorist organization, Hamas. In this moment of tragedy I want to say to them and to the world, and to terrorists everywhere: The United States stands with Israel. We will not ever fail to have her back,” Biden said Saturday in remarks from the White House.

While fostering the expansion of Jewish settlements on the West Bank and, at best, lagging prospects for the creation of a Palestinian state, Israel has been successful in enhancing relations with some Arab countries. Since 2020, Israel has achieved recognition agreements through US mediation with Morocco, Sudan, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain. Saudi Arabia, the kingdom of Mecca, has been considering a deal. Even Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has long utilized his backing for the Palestinian cause for domestic political gain, finally spoke with Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu last month.On Saturday, calls from Erdogan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and other nations attempts towards 
The de-escalation of the large scale attack was quick and most likely sincere. They are all aware of the political pressure that would be placed on them to boycott Israel and cut all ties to it if the number of Palestinian casualties increases. That now seems inevitable. Netanyahu stated that Israel was at war in a clip to camera that was posted on the Israeli Defense Forces' feed on  Twitter now X, while Major General Ghasan Alyan said that Hamas had "opened the gates of hell to the Gaza strip."

Alyan went on to imply that Hamas will be responsible for the consequences, which is right. Nevertheless, the Muslim world would not place much importance on the question of who fired first on Saturday. Israeli actions in earlier months and years, particularly in relation to the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, had caused considerable popular anxiety. Alyan's comments won't have as much of an impact as those of Mohammed Deif, a Hamas military commander, who claimed that "Operation Al-Aqsa Flood" was launched because "enough is enough."

                                                        spokesman Matthew Miller.

Blinken Requests PA's Assistance in Calming Down  the crises at about10:50 p.m.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken talked with Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority to denounce the attacks and "urged the Palestinian Authority to continue and enhance steps to restore calm and stability in the West Bank," according to a statement from spokesman Matthew Miller.



Keep up with GNOSIS 29 for the most recent information and other world news and reviews in general.

 A Russian Lancet strikes a Ukrainian Sukhoi Su-25

At the Ukrainian Dolgintsevo airport in Kryvyj Rih, some 70 kilometers from the front lines, a Russian "Lancet" drone strikes a Su-25 fighter-bomber.

In the meantime, in the Bryansk region's Surazhsky area, two Ukrainian drones were shot down by Russian air defense systems. This was stated on Telegram by Governor Aleksander Bogomaz. "Ukrainian militants used drones to try and strike targets in the Surazhsky district. The Russian Defense Ministry's air defense units destroyed two aircraft. There were no injuries or property damage. On the scene, operational and emergency services are in operation. On Telegram, Bogomaz commented, "Many thanks to our air defense units!"

UAV Lancet Targets Ukrainian Su-25 in Dnipro Province

                                                                     Russia, Governor of Bryansk Alexander Bogomaz


The Su-25 was sitting in the open at Dolgintsevo during broad daylight when a Lancet zoomed in to strike it. The impact was captured on camera by a second Russian drone.     

In southern Ukraine, the Kryvyi Rih air base is 45 miles from the battle line. Accordingly, the Lancet involved in the attack was a recently developed, longer-range Product 53 drone with a 45-mile range, as opposed to an earlier Product 51 with about 25 miles range

On a Ukrainian warplane parked at Dolgintsevo, it's the second drone strike in three weeks. It is obviously reminiscence of Ukrainian's air force travail from the Sept. 19 hit that damaged or destroyed a Mikoyan MiG-29, unless the Su-25 was a derelict airframe that the Ukrainians placed as a decoy.

Mikoyan MiG-29
                                                                                                Mikoyan MiG-29


This drone in obviously 53 poses a significant risk to Ukrainian air force regiments operating at airfields less than 45 kilometers from the front line ought to be clear by now. It should also be apparent that the air force's most forward bases lack sufficient air defenses.

The monitoring drones that watch over the 25-pound Lancet hits are also working without consequence, in addition to the bullets themselves passing through.

The Ukrainian air force has time and opportunity to make adjustments yet. Losing one MiG and one Sukhoi is not extremely catastrophic situation hopefully Ukraine's allies are able to replace some of these lost fighter jet bombers which would probably in addition help especially if the western allies would be able to provide enough MiG-29 and Su-25 replacements to make up for any combat losses, including those caused recently by drones then that would be great for the Ukrainian Air-force

Their is no denying that the Ukrainian air force probably had one or two decoy plans of their own such  as spreading there front-line jets; this is how the aviation regiments have managed to exist for the past months, since Russia expanded its war on Ukraine.

But the question still begs why don't Ukrainian Air-force conceal their warplanes the entire time when not in critical use of the jet fighters and also additionally, strengthen their short-range air defenses over their forward-most bases, in consideration of the various feasible risk certaine  to emerge from such approach.


However, it is evident that air force commanders have improved their dispersal techniques to lessen the threat posed by long-range missiles, which NATO or Ukrainian intelligence can identify up to several minutes before they land. It's possible that a tiny drone that's only 45 miles away will give little to no warning before making a one-way flight.

Keep up with GNOSIS 29 for the most recent information and other world news and reviews in general.

 Israel-Hamas Conflict: Regional Implications and International Responses



The Israel-Hamas conflict has once again ignited tensions in the Middle East, with far-reaching consequences for countries in the region and international actors. This latest bout of violence has drawn significant attention from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Lebanon, and the Palestinian civilians, all of whom are deeply affected by the conflict. Additionally, the responses from Israel's IDF (Israel Defense Forces), as well as statements from leaders like Benjamin Netanyahu and Joe Biden, further emphasize the complexity of the situation.

why did Hamas attack Israel

Egypt's Mediation Efforts

Egypt, a long-standing mediator in conflicts involving Hamas and Israel, has played a crucial role in trying to broker a ceasefire. Egyptian officials have been engaging in talks with both Israeli and Hamas representatives. They have emphasized the need for de-escalation to protect civilian lives and restore stability in Gaza.

Egypt's mediation efforts stem from its interest in preventing further destabilization of the region and maintaining its position as a key regional player in conflict resolution. However, it's important to note that this is not the first time Egypt has stepped in, and previous ceasefires have often been fragile.

Saudi Arabia and the Wider Arab World

Hamas attack on Israel Details

Saudi Arabia, a regional heavyweight, has voiced support for the Palestinian cause and condemned Israeli actions. The Saudi government has emphasized the importance of safeguarding Palestinian rights and ending Israeli aggression. The conflict has led to increased calls for solidarity among Arab nations.

Saudi Arabia, like other Arab nations, is concerned about the instability in the region, which could impact broader regional stability and its geopolitical interests. While Saudi Arabia's stance remains firmly pro-Palestine, it is essential to note that its position may not translate into direct military involvement in the conflict.


Iran's Role and Support for Hamas

Israel–Hamas War (Iran Update)

Iran has been a vocal supporter of Hamas and other Palestinian factions. Tehran has provided financial and military aid to Hamas, further complicating the conflict's dynamics. Iran's support for Hamas has raised concerns in Israel, the United States, and among its regional rivals.

Israel accuses Iran of arming Hamas and contributing to the group's ability to launch rockets into Israeli territory. This tension between Israel and Iran adds another layer of complexity to the regional situation and is part of the broader geopolitical rivalry in the Middle East.

Lebanon and Hezbollah

Lebanon, with its own complex political landscape and involvement of Hezbollah, has added to the regional complexity. While Hezbollah has not openly entered the conflict, it has expressed support for Hamas, and there is growing concern over the potential for cross-border clashes between Hezbollah and Israel.

Lebanon's involvement in the conflict is limited but signifies how regional factions can influence and be influenced by the Israel-Hamas situation.

Impact on Palestinian Civilians

The Israel-Hamas conflict has once again resulted in a significant humanitarian crisis, with Palestinian civilians bearing the brunt of the violence. As rockets and airstrikes continue, innocent civilians, including women and children, are paying a heavy price. The international community has expressed growing concern over the civilian casualties and the destruction of infrastructure in Gaza.

The situation has drawn attention to the need for humanitarian assistance, but access to Gaza remains restricted, making it challenging for aid organizations to provide essential support.

Israel Defense Forces (IDF)

The IDF's response to the conflict has been a combination of airstrikes and ground operations aimed at targeting Hamas infrastructure and preventing rocket attacks. The IDF has emphasized its commitment to minimizing civilian casualties while holding Hamas responsible for using civilian areas to launch attacks.

However, the civilian casualties and the destruction of media offices in Gaza have raised international questions about Israel's military actions and proportionality.

Statements from Benjamin Netanyahu and Joe Biden

Israel–Hamas War (Iran Update)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has defended Israel's actions, asserting that the country has a right to defend itself from rocket attacks. He has accused Hamas of using human shields and endangering Palestinian lives.

U.S. President Joe Biden has expressed support for Israel's right to defend itself but has also emphasized the importance of a ceasefire and the need to protect civilians. His administration has dispatched diplomats to the region to engage in ceasefire talks and has approved significant military aid to Israel.


Egypt's Role in Mediation

Egypt's involvement in mediating the Israel-Hamas conflict is deeply rooted in its historical ties to both parties. Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979, making it the first Arab nation to officially recognize the Jewish state. In the past, Egypt has played a pivotal role in brokering ceasefires between Israel and Hamas, demonstrating its commitment to regional stability.

Egypt's primary goal in this conflict is to prevent further suffering among Palestinian civilians and protect its own national security interests, which include averting a potential influx of refugees and militant activity on its borders. The Egyptian government's influence on Hamas, due to its ability to control the Rafah border crossing, remains an essential tool in de-escalation efforts.

Saudi Arabia and Arab Solidarity

Saudi Arabia's stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict reflects a broader sentiment within the Arab world. While it is currently not involved in direct military action, Saudi Arabia's diplomatic support for the Palestinian cause aligns with the sentiments of many Arab nations. The Palestinian issue has long been a unifying factor in the Arab world, allowing countries to set aside their own disputes and present a united front.

Saudi Arabia's statements condemning Israeli actions are aimed at both domestic and regional audiences. The kingdom seeks to uphold its position as a leader in the Arab world and protect its credibility as a guardian of Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem. However, it remains cautious about direct involvement in the conflict due to its desire for regional stability and avoiding open confrontation with Israel.

Iran's Support for Hamas

Iran's support for Hamas is part of its broader strategy to exert influence in the region and counter Israel. Tehran views its support for Palestinian factions as a tool to challenge Israel's military and political dominance in the Middle East. Iran's involvement in arming and funding Hamas has led to concerns about increased instability in the region.

While Iran's backing of Hamas is not a new development, it has the potential to escalate the conflict further, especially if Israel sees a growing threat from Hamas's improved capabilities. This dynamic contributes to ongoing tensions between Iran and Israel, with the broader conflict taking on a regional dimension.

Lebanon and Hezbollah's Role

Lebanon's connection to the Israel-Hamas conflict is complex due to the presence of Hezbollah, a powerful Shiite militant group. While Hezbollah has not engaged directly, its support for Hamas adds to regional instability. The possibility of cross-border confrontations remains a source of concern.

Hezbollah's support for Hamas aligns with its broader anti-Israel stance and desire to position itself as a defender of Palestinian rights. This relationship illustrates the intricate web of regional actors and alliances, making the situation even more challenging to resolve peacefully.

Impact on Palestinian Civilians

The suffering of Palestinian civilians in Gaza is a tragic consequence of the conflict. As airstrikes and rocket attacks continue, hospitals, schools, and infrastructure have been severely damaged, and civilian casualties have risen. The international community has intensified calls for a ceasefire and humanitarian aid access.

The United Nations and humanitarian organizations are working diligently to provide aid, but the situation remains dire. The blockade on Gaza has made it difficult for essential supplies to reach those in need, adding to the urgency of a ceasefire and a long-term resolution.

IDF's Approach

The IDF's approach in this conflict has been marked by precision airstrikes targeting Hamas infrastructure, tunnels, and rocket launch sites. Israel argues that it operates in compliance with international law and aims to minimize civilian casualties. However, the destruction of media offices and residential buildings has raised questions about the proportionality of Israel's response.

The IDF is also contending with the threat of tunnel networks that Hamas uses for attacks and has launched ground operations to counter this threat. These actions are a response to the constant rocket attacks originating from Gaza and the threat they pose to Israeli civilians.

Statements from Leaders

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has consistently maintained Israel's right to defend itself against rocket attacks. He argues that Hamas endangers Palestinian lives by using them as human shields. Netanyahu's leadership during the conflict is under scrutiny both within Israel and internationally, with some critics calling for restraint in the use of military force.

President Joe Biden's administration, while affirming Israel's right to self-defense, has been actively involved in diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire. The United States is traditionally a staunch ally of Israel and has approved significant military aid packages. However, President Biden has expressed his concern for civilian lives and infrastructure in Gaza and called for de-escalation efforts. His administration's involvement in the conflict reflects the delicate balancing act the U.S. faces in its support for Israel and its desire for regional stability.

Additional Regional Implications

Jordan's Concerns: Jordan, which shares a border with the West Bank, has expressed its concerns about the situation in the region. The Jordanian government has called for an immediate ceasefire and has been advocating for international action to de-escalate the conflict. Jordan has a significant Palestinian population and a vested interest in protecting their rights.

Turkey's Stance: Turkey has been an outspoken critic of Israel's actions and has called for immediate international intervention to stop the violence. President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan has characterized Israel's actions as a "terror state," and Turkey has been providing humanitarian assistance to Gaza.

Qatar's Financial Aid: Qatar has pledged financial aid to support Gaza and is one of the key financial backers of Hamas. The Qatari government has provided funds for humanitarian aid and infrastructure reconstruction in Gaza, which has helped alleviate some of the suffering caused by the conflict.

Hamas's Goals and Strategy

Hamas, considered a terrorist organization by Israel and the U.S., is using this conflict to achieve several objectives. They aim to showcase themselves as Palestinian resistance leaders against Israel's perceived oppression, thereby gaining support among Palestinians. The launching of rockets toward Israeli cities also serves as a bargaining chip to achieve concessions and financial assistance.

Hamas's strategy involves firing rockets from densely populated areas, which puts Palestinian civilians at risk and makes Israel's military response more controversial. This tactic aims to gain international sympathy and put pressure on Israel to agree to a ceasefire on terms favorable to Hamas.

IDF's Defense Measures

The IDF has deployed its Iron Dome missile defense system, which has intercepted many incoming rockets and helped mitigate civilian casualties on the Israeli side. This system has played a crucial role in protecting Israeli cities and contributes to Israel's strategy of preventing loss of life.

The IDF's approach to ground operations and airstrikes remains a subject of international scrutiny, with questions raised about whether the use of force is proportional and whether enough measures are taken to prevent civilian harm. These questions have led to debates about the rules of engagement and the impact on the conflict's civilian toll.

Impact on Israeli Civilians

Israeli civilians living in areas near Gaza have been forced to take cover from incoming rockets, with sirens blaring as a warning system. The constant threat of rocket attacks has caused fear and anxiety among Israeli citizens. While the Iron Dome system has been effective, it does not provide complete protection, and some rockets have caused damage and casualties.

The psychological and emotional toll on Israeli civilians should not be underestimated, and their experiences illustrate the complexities of the conflict, which includes not only a military aspect but also a human one.

International Diplomatic Efforts

Several international actors, including the United Nations, the European Union, and individual nations, have been actively engaged in diplomatic efforts to broker a ceasefire. The UN Security Council held multiple emergency meetings, but disagreements among members, particularly the U.S.'s support for Israel, have hampered the council's ability to issue a joint statement or resolution.

Other countries, such as France and Norway, have been involved in mediating talks between the parties. The international community's efforts to end the conflict have yet to yield a lasting ceasefire, highlighting the challenges in finding common ground and resolving this deeply rooted conflict.

Humanitarian Crisis and Reconstruction

The conflict has led to a severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza, with many Palestinians displaced from their homes and suffering from a lack of basic necessities, including clean water, food, and medical supplies. The destruction of infrastructure, including hospitals and schools, has compounded the difficulties facing the population.

Reconstruction efforts will be necessary once a ceasefire is achieved. These efforts will require international support and coordination to rebuild Gaza and provide humanitarian assistance to alleviate the suffering of its people.


The Israel-Hamas conflict is a multifaceted and fluid situation with regional and international ramifications. The involvement and stances of various countries in the region, including Jordan, Turkey, and Qatar, underscore the broader regional implications. Hamas's goals and tactics, the IDF's defense measures, and the impact.

Egypt's mediation, Saudi Arabia's diplomatic support, Iran's backing of Hamas, and the complexities of Lebanon's involvement underscore the multifaceted nature of the crisis. The continuing impact on Palestinian civilians, the IDF's approach, and statements from leaders like Netanyahu and Biden are central to understanding the ongoing developments in the region. As the conflict persists, global attention remains focused on the quest for a lasting ceasefire and a path towards peace in the Middle East.

Keep up with GNOSIS 29 for the most recent information and other world news and reviews in general.


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